
Anne attended the University of Massachusetts at Lowell and studied under Arno Minkkinnen and Mark Eshbaugh where she fell in love with the magic and science of photography.  Upon graduation she worked for many years in a custom black and white lab, in addition to, a color lab.  With digital photography becoming more and more prevalent she focused her attentions on more traditional materials and in 2009 she discovered a process in which it was possible to lift and transfer the dyes of a Chromogenic print (c-print), as well as, veil and manipulate them.  She has continued to explore the possibilities with this process (and others) as a means to illustrate the way that our perception and memories are transformed by our own experiences and interpretations.  She is a member of Soho Photo Gallery in New York and she is an eternal optimist and sees the glass as having plenty.  She can be reached by email at annehopkinsphotography@yahoo.com or on Instagram @ahopkinsphoto

In case you are interested, how to pray the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet.


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